
Spring Break Pokemon Games

Hey everybody, I’m back! The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of school work and emergencies which finally let up just in time for spring break. Because of my limited time, I was not able to work on my recipe manager or the BartenderBot (much) but I promise I come prepared.  I had mentioned before that I had a tradition of programming digital versions of my favorite drinking games over spring break. Last break I coded Horse Races, and the one before that I made Circle of Death, both of which have a post earlier. This time, I made….

The Pokemon Drinking Game

Most of you know that I love Pokemon, drinking, and programming, so this just made sense. The game itself was designed as a board game some time ago by a user named “raith”. The game has seen many modifications, eventually resulting in the Pokemon Drinking Game 2.0, a circular board based game with many drinks, complicated rules, and a guaranteed good time. The numerous rules to keep track of made this game quite difficult while intoxicated (which occurs about 1/4 of the way through). My version lets the computer worry about movement and turns and instead farms out only the drinking.

Watch the dots move....

The game in mid-play

Making it Work

This game has so many complex rules, movements, turn skips, and history checks that the vast majority of my planned architecture was useless. Unlike a project for school, or work, or fun, this project was for use within the week. As such, clean-code got thrown out in favor of making it work. That is not to say I will not revisit it and clean it up, but for the time being, it is pretty ugly.  Here’s where we sit. There are 3 java packages involved, and they should be clearly named.

Backend – This package contains the control class which controls (duh) everything about game logic, along with any necessary models.

Tiles – There were so many custom tiles needed for weird behaviors, I made a new package of just those custom Tile models.

UI – This houses the GameFrame, which displays the playable part of the game.

These packages do not necessary adhere to their strict responsibilities, but once again, speed and function were emphasized. The Control class is a rather monolithic class, keeping track of all turns, players, tiles, and UI text and screens. All other models are used to store relevant data and have a few important methods. The most important is the Tile class’s landed() function. This method takes a Player (provided by the control when a player lands on a tile) and operates on that player upon the call. This aids in skipped turns or forced moves, along with several more complicated consequences in the specialized tiles.


Unlike any of my other posts, I am pleading to you for help. As I’ve described, the code is ugly, but the far bigger issue is that there are logic failures. The game “plays” and will track you to the end (though the victory image has not been added) but some of the tiles exhibit unwanted behaviors. I am aware of at least one tile where a re-roll results in a move, one which sets the next turn’s movement modifier incorrectly, and a couple other bugs, but they are rather hard to pin down where they occur.

So how you, the reader, the drinker, the good time guy can do to help is play. I have hosted the code in its usual spot on my github (here), and it is free to be grabbed and compiled. If you could play through the game and keep a list of bugs you find, I would love to finish off making this game work. Leave some bug reports in the comments, message me, or if you know me, come up and let me know where you saw problems.  Once the logic is working, I will chip away at the design and appearance until I am satisfied.

As always, code on, and thank you for your help.

Fun with Decoders

When I posted a picture of my BartenderBot project in an earlier post, I received a comment inquiring as to the small number of pins I was using on the pi to control 8 valves. I promised a full post, and by golly I will stick by that promise. The secret of this magical pin reduction is a decoder (also called a DeMultiplexer or a DeMux).

What’s a DeMux?

Toggling a single input

Toggling a single input

A DeMux is a combinational logic circuit. It takes in a set number of “selector” bits and one “enable” bit. The output is a number of pins determined by the maximum number expressed in the number of selector bits (more on that later) where only the one corresponding to the selection is toggled when the enable bit is toggled.

Think of the number of outputs as a binary string. For instance to represent 8 unique numbers in binary, you need log base 2 of the output, which is 3. Three bits can express numbers 0-7, so choosing a binary string who’s value is equal to one of those numbers “selects” that output. Using this, you can turn on any number of inputs (n) with log base 2 selector bits and 1 enable bit.

Quick Example: If you want to turn on the third valve, we need to turn on output 2. So, we set our selector bits to 010 ( append as many zeroes as necessary to the left of that number to fill all selector bits).  Then, we turn on the enable bit.

Programming with a DeMux

Code to provide input to the DeMux

Code to provide input to the DeMux

As the astute among you may have noticed, the DeMux requires a very specific input pattern. The non-decoder method of turning on an output, one pin would be wired to each device and turned on only when the device is needed. With a DeMux, we must share pins across several valves. For instance, every odd output must turn on the least significant bit of the selector. One also must remember that in programming (and the DeMux) number series begin at zeroes, while in typical ordering, numbers start at one.  By simply subtracting 1 from the valve number and converting the result to a binary string, the states of each selector pin can be determined. The basic principle is to iterate through the binary string generated from (valveNum-1). Pins[i].state = (binaryString.charAt(i) == 1).

The pins themselves are controlled by a Java plugin called Pi4J, which allows Java objects to be made which update the GPIO pins on the pi during operation. As you have seen, the objects have fairly simple behaviour. The pins can be set on or off, true or false, high or low (all to the same end), can be pulsed, and (unused in this project so far) can listen for input.

All Together Now

Let’s tie it all together now. A recipe requires 2 oz Vodka (valve 1), 1 oz Peach Schnapps (valve 6), and 9 oz Orange juice (valve 8). For easy math, let’s assume 1 oz takes 1 s.  The recipe sends each instruction to the hardware controller, which turns on the following pins in the correct order:

GPIO17 | GPIO27 | GPIO22 | GPIO23    (time) ->  GPIO17 | GPIO27 | GPIO22 | GPIO23

0001 (2 sec) -> 0000

1011 (1 sec) -> 1010

1111 (9 sec) -> 1110

The DeMux described earlier feeds the relay board and behaves as expected. The obvious drawback here is the “One-hot” behaviour, which means only one valve can pour at a time, but for simplicity, reduced pin numbers, and no risk of backflow the benefits outweigh the disadvantages. I hope this has been a thorough explanation of Decoders, and I hope any interested parties can now make full use of these wonderful IC’s.

Blast from the past, My first coding project

I’m going to be honest here, I’m updating for the poor HR representatives that have to look at this blog for research after reading my resume at the GT career fair. In order to give some personality to this mysterious author who’s thoughts you read so diligently, I have decided to write about my first real coding project!A little background, when I graduated high school, I KNEW I wanted to do Aerospace Engineering. Until orientation at GT (we call it FASET) at which point I decided I KNEW I wanted to do BioChemistry. I believed that new path was the one for me until I took a wonderful class in Computer Science. At that point, I was sure that I had been hasty before, so I waited an entire semester before realizing that this time I REALLY KNEW. So what magical class was so powerful as to make me change majors again and stick with it?

It was Jython

For the uninitiated, Jython is a special blend of the programming language “Python” and some common java libraries. This allows beginner programmers (like myself at the time) to create very clean object-oriented python code in a neat IDE with a console,  and makes visual animations easy.

Jython code in the JES IDE

Jython code in the JES IDE

Jython was my first experience in coding, and it saw my first “Hello World” program, very basic number programming, image manipulations, and eventually animations.  The final project of this class used a unique aspect of Jython called “Turtles”.  You see, in the parallel version of this class which was required for CS majors, the end of the class involved controlling small robots with attached pens around in a pattern. These robots were called ScribblerBots, but they were relatively expensive. Instead, our class made use of the visual libraries provided by java to create small turtles in a picture. The turtles could then be commanded just like the robots, moving and drawing lines, but they could also be used for animation.  By using an array of turtles, each with a certain job, the turtles could change the background to create animation, they could change colors to act as an animated object themselves, or they could drop images on to the screen to create new visual objects.

Our Final Assignment

We were expected to use everything we learned throughout the year to create an animation which satisfied several requirements. As best I can remember them, the minimum  requirements were:

  • Use at least 4 different turtles on the screen at the same time
  • Make at least one turtle change color and size
  • Make a turtle draw, move, stop drawing, and move again
  • Use a randomizer to change at least one attribute of one turtle.  (I went a little crazy on this one)

Beyond those requirements, the assignment was very free form, and we were encouraged to be creative. I took it to heart.

What Horror Hath I Wrought?

Screenshot of the animation

Screenshot of the animation

Pokémon. Registered copyright or trademark or whatever, but let’s be real, it was Pokémon. My goal was to recreate a Pokémon trainer encounter and subsequent battle. For those that have a JES environment (get it here) you can download my code and watch it with full randomness at the usual place. Feel free to download and parse it to see how it works, but remember this is my first real coding work.

For those who have no interest or capability to parse the code and execute it natively, I have a screen recording of the execution.

I hope you enjoy the movie and stay tuned for more!

The Word of the Day is List!

I am still working on a post about the Bartenderbot project (gonna be a big post) so in the meantime, I’d like to talk to you about Lists.

Quick background for the non-programmer audience, bear with me programmers.
There are many ways of storing data in computer science. These ways of storing are called “Data Structures”. They range from stacks and heaps to arrays and lists. The ones I will be discussing today in the most detail are arrays and lists. Arrays are ordered lists, almost like a row of numbered boxes each holding some data. This allows data to be accessed according to its position in the array. Arrays are notated with square brackets and indexed by an integer in those brackets.

int[] arr;
int x = arr[i];

Because of their ability to store and load data quickly, arrays are quite common, and my code used to be full of them. That is until I discovered the full potential of lists.

Arrays have a fatal flaw. When an array is made, it has a set length. That is to say if you want to add data to a full array, you need to create a new longer array, copy all the old data in to the new array, then add the new data. Lists avoid this flaw.

List is actually a misnomer. Java.Util.List is an abstract class, meaning it cannot be instantiated. Rather, you must used a class that inherits List. My favorite such class is Java.Util.ArrayList. ArrayLists use the afforementioned arrays as backing structures, but takes care of all the messy array reassignment internally. So if you have a full ArrayList, and you want to add one more object, you only need to call list.add(object); and the list will append the new object.

My past week has been centered around finishing the software for the Bartenderbot. This software relies on collections of Ingredients, Instructions and Recipes, which I had previously set up as arrays of the corresponding objects. After writing:

Instruction[] temp = new Instruction[instructions.length+1];
for(int i=0; i<instructions.length; i++){
    temp[i] = instructions[i];
instructions = temp;

for the nth time, I tried switching to lists.

After reassigning variables throughout the code, it was amazing how many lines I saved. I turned for loops into foreach loops, arr[i]’s into .get(i)’s, and the previously shown add functions into .add()’s. So if you haven’t already, go make some lists and correct the overuse of arrays.

Java Drinking Games

As promised in my intro, I am going to write a little about an annual challenge I give myself: Spring Break Drinking Games. It started out of necessity. We were on spring break, thinking of late night fun activities, and decided on a drinking game. We searched for cards to play Circle of Death, only to find that no one had brought cards and it was much too late to go to a store.  Having just recently learned my first java coding principles, I whipped out my laptop and spent a couple hours simulating our card game. The rest of my party loved playing on a screen so much that the tradition continued the next year (this time with Horse Races).

Circle of Death

Screen shot of Circle of Death

Screen shot of Circle of Death

Circle of Death was quick and dirty. I had just started learning code, and had no idea of good code practices. I manually wrote many things that should have been looped. I included way too many things in one class, and I basically eliminated any possibility of future alteration. But it works.

I used a CardDeck Class with variables for each image to draw a random card, then add that card to the “used pile”.

I then made UI classes (my first attempt at java UI) and a gameLogic class which took the drawn card and kept track of what was happening in the game.

If you want to look at the code (or play the game) my gitHub has all source code and a runnable jar file here.

Horse Races

Horse Races UI

Horse Races UI

By this point, I had gotten a little bit better at UI, so this game didn’t take nearly as long, and is much more visually appealing. On the backend, I switched to using arrays to store images and programmatically create Card objects, rather than randomly drawing an image. I also created a set of functions to simulate real card deck usage (splitting, reshuffling, and separating out specific cards). This allows me to use my cardDeck class for other applications, opening the game up for modification.

To take a look at these games, download from the gitHub link here.



My next couple posts will be about my current project-in-progress: a  robotic bartender.